Shared Servers:

The maximum limit of CPU usage with Unlimitedwebhosting is 15%. If this limit is exceeded, it shouldn’t exceed more than 90 seconds. This limit is highly unlikely for a regular website to exceed although in rare cases a script intensive site will take up more than 15% of the CPU usage.
Tricks to lessen the CPU usage:

  • Reduce your number of banners and ads from other sites.
  • Reduce your websites external requests.
  • Avoid using too many scripts/plugins, and do not force html to handle server-side code (like php and html).
  • Flash, video, audio, and image files are downloaded to the browser. This uses bandwidth only.
  • Do not use cron jobs as per sec/min/hour basis. Use cron jobs once in a day.
  • Stop using backup scripts or plugins. We have daily backup system to keep your data safe with us.

Reseller Servers:

Reseller servers also have the same limits as our Shared servers, although this limit is per cPanel and not the entire reseller package. If you do have multiple cPanel accounts responsible for server problems then we will suspend the account without any intimation.